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flag Satyananda Yoga Diary (UK) (Cache)
A listing of yoga events in the UK and useful links to events worldwide.

Categories: Teaching , Events , Retreats , Directories
Added: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Last updated: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Hits: 7288
flag Yoga in Wales (BWY) (Cache)
The Wales region of the British Wheel of Yoga actively promotes and encourages the practice of yoga throughout the Principality. If you reside in Wales and practice yoga, or would like to know more about yoga in Wales this site is for you.

Categories: Teaching , Publications , Events , Yoga Organisations , Directories
Added: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Last updated: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Hits: 4949
flag BIG Shakti (Cache)
BIG Shakti is dedicated to presenting knowledge and practices of self awareness, self development and self realization through the disciplines of Yoga, Meditation, Tantra.
Through Big Shakti, you will have access to authentic teachings. Many of our authors have studied with great masters and have been initiated into profound systems of knowledge and healing. Their purpose is to share their knowledge with those who genuinely seek it.
It is our passion to provide you with powerful knowledge and effective ways to self-nurture, restore your life force - your Shakti and to build your strength, courage and calm.

The vehicles that teach knowledge and empowerment are our eMagazine, eBooks, Courses Online and our Guided Meditation and Lecture CDs.

Categories: Ayurveda , Teaching , Education , Research , Publications , Therapy , Yoga Shops , Directories
Added: Mon 20 of Jun, 2005 Last updated: Thu 29 of Jun, 2006 Hits: 4855

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