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flag Satyananda Yoga Academy Europe (SYAE) (Cache)
Satyananda Yoga Academy Europe (SYAE) was established in May 2004. Its mandate is to propagate, preserve and uphold the integrity of the teachings of Satyananda Yoga and to implement structures and systems for the ongoing development, training and teaching of Satyananda Yoga in Europe.

Categories: Teaching , Education , Yoga Organisations , SYA Yogic Studies
Added: Thu 09 of Nov, 2006 Last updated: Wed 27 of Dec, 2006 Hits: 7891
flag Bihar Yoga Bharati & The Bihar School of Yoga (Cache)
The website of the Bihar Yoga Bharati the yoga university and of the Bihar School of Yoga, which are both situated at Ganga Darshan, Munger, India.

Categories: Teaching , Education , Research , Publications , Events , Therapy , Retreats , Yoga Organisations , SYA Yogic Studies
Added: Mon 08 of Mar, 2004 Last updated: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Hits: 7152
flag The British Wheel of Yoga (Cache)
The British Wheel of Yoga is a registered charity and aims to...
To encourage and help all persons to a greater knowledge and understanding of all aspects of Yoga and its practice by provision of study, education and training
To maintain and improve the standard of teaching of yoga
To co-operate with and support other organisations having similar aims

Categories: Yoga Organisations
Added: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Last updated: Tue 11 of Aug, 2009 Hits: 7020
flag Yoga in Wales (BWY) (Cache)
The Wales region of the British Wheel of Yoga actively promotes and encourages the practice of yoga throughout the Principality. If you reside in Wales and practice yoga, or would like to know more about yoga in Wales this site is for you.

Categories: Teaching , Publications , Events , Yoga Organisations , Directories
Added: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Last updated: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Hits: 4949

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