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flag Mandala Yoga Ashram (Cache)
Mandala Yoga Ashram was founded in 1986 by Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati to teach and propagate classical Yoga to all people without consideration of class, religion, race or gender. It was inspired by his guru, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, and the system of Yoga formulated by him.

Categories: Teaching , Events , Retreats
Added: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Last updated: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Hits: 8000
flag Satyananda Yoga Diary (UK) (Cache)
A listing of yoga events in the UK and useful links to events worldwide.

Categories: Teaching , Events , Retreats , Directories
Added: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Last updated: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Hits: 7288
flag Bihar Yoga Bharati & The Bihar School of Yoga (Cache)
The website of the Bihar Yoga Bharati the yoga university and of the Bihar School of Yoga, which are both situated at Ganga Darshan, Munger, India.

Categories: Teaching , Education , Research , Publications , Events , Therapy , Retreats , Yoga Organisations , SYA Yogic Studies
Added: Mon 08 of Mar, 2004 Last updated: Mon 26 of Sep, 2005 Hits: 7152

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