
Satyananda Yoga

Satyananda Yoga is an internationally renowned system of yoga that is firmly based in yogic tradition and adapted to suit the needs of contemporary living. It includes classical hatha, raja, karma, bhakti, jnana, mantra, kriya, kundalini and other branches of yoga based on the ancient philosophies of Samkhya, Vedanta and Sannyasa. Satyananda Yoga provides a solid, systematic step-by step approach to yoga, enabling practices to be applied to individual needs.

Satyananda Yoga is a reflection of Swami Satyanands's life mission to distil the essence of yoga and make it meaningful in today's world. A disciple of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, Swami Satyananda founded the Bihar school of Yoga in 1964 and has gone on to train thousands of teachers and practitioners from around the world. The teaching of Satyananda Yoga was established in the UK in the early seventies.

Aims of Satyananda Yoga
It aims at providing a solid, systematic step-by-step approach, based on safety and common sense. It is based on traditional wisdom and teachings which are fine-tuned and re-evaluated by a living Master to serve present needs. It is a living tradition.

Satyananda Yoga and the Academy
SYA LogoThe Satyananda Yoga Academy was first established in Australia where it provides a wide range of services including a system of teacher accreditation, affiliation for teachers and centres, a network service between centres, academic university style courses, research programs and community welfare projects.
Satyananda Yoga Academy Europe (SYAE) was established in May 2004. Its mandate is to propagate, preserve and uphold the integrity of the teachings of Satyananda Yoga and to implement structures and systems for the ongoing development, training and teaching of Satyananda Yoga in Europe. SYAE is now conducting Yoga Studies courses in Europe, full details can be found on their website at (cache)

Last Modification: Saturday 10 of December, 2016 13:41:37 GMT   -----   ©Padmasambhava 2008



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