
Information on Events


At the Centre The centre teaches by the term thus ensuring that classes are able to progress systematically. All classes include a blend of Asana physical postures, Pranayama breathing practices, Yoga Nidra deep relaxation and meditation. Classes are small in numbers ensuring individual attention.

The Teachers The classes are presented by experienced teachers who have trained with the Bihar School of Yoga and/or Satyananda Yoga centres in the UK and holding accredited BWY teaching diplomas. As well as giving classes and workshops under Padma's scheduled programme our teachers also teach other classes and workshops. Please enquire at the centre for details.

What you need Loose comfortable clothing, a shawl or blanket to cover the body during the relaxation Yoga Nidra. Please refrain from taking a full meal less than an hour before class. The yoga room is warm and carpeted so mats are not needed.

Other Classes We also provide individual classes and the teachers associated with the center also teach at other venues. Please contact us for details.

Day Workshops

A day workshop is a wonderful way to further your understanding of a particular aspect of yoga. They are popular with yoga students & teachers. Usually consisting of both theory & practice they are presented by experienced yoga teachers who have generally specialised in the chosen subject. Previous Workshop Topics


These enable one to explore the subtler aspects of yoga away from everyday distractions. Experienced Satyananda Yoga teachers run all retreats on specific subjects. On retreat you are able to explore the deeper essence of yoga with daily Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, lectures, walks in nature & excellent vegetarian food.


The Llandeilo Centre Many of the workshops are run at the centre in Llandeilo. The days usually start at 10.00am and finish at 4.00pm. We encourage students to arrive early to have time to refresh and settle and to bring food for a shared lunch. Group size is limited to a maximum of ten so be sure to book well in advance to ensure a place.

Other Venues Workshops are also held at other venues where the enviornment is conjusive to the more meditative subjects. Having access to specialised communications equipment and the possibility of larger group sizes, this enables us to present key world teachers.
Please reserve a place well in advance to avoid disapointment.

Last Modification: Saturday 05 of August, 2006 19:58:07 BST   -----   ©Padmasambhava 2008



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