Spring clean your body & mind using the Hatha Yoga Cleansing techniques
Neti: nasal cleansing
- Helps to relieve sinusitis, headaches and hay fever.
- Strengthens and relaxes the eyes
- Removes drowsiness.
Kunjal: stomach cleansing.
- Tones and stimulates all abdominal organs.
- Helps in managing asthma and bronchitis.
- Eradicates halitosis.
- Helps to release pent-up emotions
Laghoo or Shankhaprakshalana: short or full intestinal cleansing.
- Relieves indigestion, gas, acidity and constipation.
- Tones the liver and other digestive organs and glands.
- Strengthens the immune system
Strengthen your body & mind
Venue: Padmasambhava
Fee £15
Date: Saturday 8th March --- 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Please note the change from the previously published date of the 22nd March
Further details can be found in the article
Hatha Yoga Cleansing Practices
Last Modification: Wednesday 30 of January, 2008 18:59:53 GMT ----- ©Padmasambhava 2008