Spring clean your body & mind using the Hatha Yoga Cleansing techniques
Neti: nasal cleansing
- Helps to relieve sinusitis, headaches and hay fever.
- Strengthens and relaxes the eyes
- Removes drowsiness.
Kunjal: stomach cleansing.
- Tones and stimulates all abdominal organs.
- Helps in managing asthma and bronchitis.
- Eradicates halitosis.
- Helps to release pent-up emotions
Laghoo or Shankhaprakshalana: short or full intestinal cleansing.
- Relieves indigestion, gas, acidity and constipation.
- Tones the liver and other digestive organs and glands.
- Strengthens the immune system
Strengthen your body & mind
Gayatri Shakti has a B. Ed. degree (major Psychology) and a background as a Women's Counsellor. She has been involved in yoga for 18 years and trained in the Satyananda Tradition of Yoga both in Italy and India. A qualified yoga teacher since 1995 Gayatri Shakti has taught and served in yoga centres in Italy, Egypt, Uk, India, Spain and in Australia.
She has a personal interest in sound vibrations: particularly mantra chanting, kirtan and nada yoga, as tools to experience our inner expansiveness, create harmony within, and to awaken and express the qualities of the heart.
Dharmavanam who has been practising Integral yoga and meditation for 16 years. Dharmavanam underwent his yogic training in Australia and India, trained both in the Satyananda System of Yoga, and with the SA Institute of Yoga Teachers, in conjunction with the Venkatesa Institute (NZ). He has taught, lectured and co-managed yoga centres in Australia, South Africa and Europe. He has a keen interest and inspired passion for Mantra Yoga, Prana Vidya, and Yoga Therapy for musculoskeletal problems and sleep disorders. Dharmavanam is an experienced Shiatsu therapist.
Venue: Padmasambhava
Fee £20
Date: Saturday 4th March --- 10.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.
Further details can be found in the article
Hatha Yoga Cleansing Practices
Last Modification: Wednesday 24 of August, 2005 12:21:54 BST ----- ©Padmasambhava 2008