Two lectures with Dr. Brian Thomson - Dr. Rishi Vivekananda

As part of his european tour from April through to June, Rishi Vivekananda will be giving two lectures in Wales on Sunday 16th May at Middleton - The National Botanic Gardens of Wales.

Rishi Vivekananda is a consultant psychiatrist who has applied yogic techniques in his psychiatric practice for over 30 years. He has a keen interest in ways to integrate the ancient eastern techniques of yoga with the modern knowledge of the mind, the functioning of the body and healing. He is renowned for his sense of humour and ease of communication.

Managing stress, Anxiety and Depression with the help of Yoga
Why are we each vulnerable to different situations in our life? Yoga as a holistic science is now being recommended by many doctors as a way to complement their treatment.
The subject will be explored from the medical and yogic perspectives.

Sunday 16th May — 10.30 - 12.30p.m.

Yoga in the management of Addictions
What are addictions from the Yogic viewpoint, and what can we do about them?
Dr Thomson will share his insights on this subject and suggest practical ways to manage these tendencies within us and respond appropriately to other peoples.

Sunday 16th May — 2.00 - 4.00p.m.

Venue for both lectures:
Middleton - The National Botanical Gardens of Wales.

£15 per lecture, both lectures £25. Concessions are available.
Admission to the gardens is included.

ISTD Approval
Attendance on both of these lectures has been approved as an in service training day by the British Wheel of Yoga.

Last Modification: Monday 10 of May, 2004 01:14:13 BST   -----   ©Padmasambhava 2008

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